Music Box

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yesterday, I was received ACCA letters
from KCC. They told me it's time
to pay ACCA Student
Annual Subscription
Convert to RM is around RM396.75
maybe more or less.

Beside this, I also have to
pay examination fee.
Exam have two choices,
one is paper based another is
computer based.

If paper based, the fee is
£55 per paper.
Convert to RM is around RM316.25.
I took 2 papers so the fees are
£110 = around RM632.50
And, KCC will charge another
extra fee RM10.
Total Annual Fee + Exam Fee + Extra Charges
= Around RM1,130

If I take computer based,
the fee is RM410 per paper.
I took 2 papers so the fees are
RM820. And KCC will charge
Exam Centre and processing fees
Total Annual Fee + Exam Fee + Extra Charges
= Around RM1257.00

Last year, I got a traveled at KL.
If add on Plane ticket, I think
I had used around RM2k...
Besides this, I also paid
ACCA Initial Subscription Fee
£66 (RM379.50), Text Books
RM350 and RM 185 for Grou
p Diploma. Now, I'm still owing
RM350 from my mum for Skin Care Products.

After pay for the those fees,
I'll no any extra money
to shopping, watch movie,
car petrol, parking fee, reload
and expenses when I'm start

So now, I'm so struggling how to open
mouth to ask for the money

to pay the ACCA Fee.

I'm so 败家...

Really feel so sorry to my mum and dad~~


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