Music Box

Sunday, August 7, 2011

紫禁城(Forbidden City)是中国明、
即开始营造紫禁城宫殿,至明永乐十八年(1420年)落 成。


26th July 2011
We ( Company ) went to Forbidden City, in Beijing.
This are the photos that taken by me for memory.
It is great design for the building and full of Chinese cultural 
for China. Really proud of it.

We walked from front to the back, it was used about 2-3 hours I guess.
What a big big building, I really can't imagine how do the
peoples built it without any high tech builder machines.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just now I'm careless and dropped this bottle on the floor.
It was broke and the liquid all sprinkled a lot on the floor.
So waste!!!!!! 
How expensive it is.
Actually, this was not the first time.
Last time same as just now. 
It would break when it drop.
The bottle looks like made by low cheap quality plastic.
Honestly, I prefer the last design one.

I think I have to make some comments on this
quality of the skin care bottle for this product.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Diary Part 10

Financial Stability
Financial Security
Financial Freedom
Financial Abundance ๑۩۞۩๑

The level of financial..

I learned from a book.
Actually, everyday, every moments
I am thinking how to get rich by my self.
I am jealous for those rich girls having pretty face,
body-shape, using branded, nice car, luxurious house
and so on. 
I stopped and thought about myself. 
Even a "Financial Stability" I didn't meet it.
How sad it is.
I completely agree that all of us want to be "Financial Freedom"
even "Financial Abundance"...
No work, and yet the $$ still come.
Enjoy life everyday....

The first two levels may not be hard to fulfill.
There are just the basic financial level to survive for a person nowadays.
So when someone told me about "Money not everything",
In stead of this, I rather believe "No money, you are nothing" for
"Current Life".

To be rich with "Ethic",
it is not as easy as having a professional paper,
it is harder than it more more...
I cannot imagine how strong perseverance have
for those rich guys.

I knew what are my big weakness that retard me to 
pursue my goals.
I have to overcome it,  
"Lazy" and "Passive".
This are my inherent personality.
I want "Thick" my face....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Today, attended a tough paper.
Still the same,
I have no confident for this paper.
When I just can done all the papers ah...

Monday, June 6, 2011

This is underestimated, I though it was a paper which is
concentrated on calculation technical paper
which means approximate 60% 
for calculation.
Unfortunate, it was approximate 30% for calculation and
70% for theory. How can it be like that?

What a tough paper.
I expect I will get not more than 43% mark.
So sad.

This is not fair!!!!


Anyway, I will think positively..
I have gained an experience.
I will get a higher mark for next time.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Actually, I feel quite excited for the exam.
Now, my brain is totally fulled.
Even I have prepared for the exam but I'm
still feel unsafe. I have no much confident for
this paper too.Even-though it is easier than
others. I'm just have 40% confident for this.
Anyway, If if~~~
I will not give up easily.

Pray hard hard...

May God bless me...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Take a short break from doing revision for 
preparing exam.
This is my new cactus which is my mum bought for me
on Sunday.
Hopefully, this time it could live long with healthy look.
May God bless it..>.<
and bless me that I can pass all my exam.
Omg, I'm too greedy...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Take a breath

Prepared for exam for whole day already. It is made me mad now.
Really become bad temper.
All my brain just thinking about "what audit procedure, 
substantive procedures, audit review bla bla bla".
Even night dream I'm still thinking of this shit...!!!
I will fail you soon!!!!
You this bullshit!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Diary Part 5

I think I would release my exam pressure by writing blog
rather than posting on my facebook wall twice a year.

"Very Good" the exam on early of June 2011. Unfortunate, I
have chosen two difficult papers in ACCA part 2. Totally, lost 
confident for this coming exam. Start from now to exam date 
just few more weeks only. I haven't covered whole the syllabus of 
the two papers. When I tried to do the past year questions, 
I was totally blank even I had read the study text book before.

Another tax paper, I haven't started to revision it yet. The audit paper
has used a lot of time to understand it. I do not know how should I
arrange my time for preparing my exam.

Anyway, I should not give up now. May God bless me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rich peoples are...

40 associations for "Rich peoples are..."

1. greedy.
2. different minded.
3. smart.
4. active.
5. talk-active person.
6. responsibility.
7. stingy.
8. lucky.
9. arrogant.
10. independent.
11. winner-mindset.
12. hardworking.
13. happy person.
14. unhappy person.
15. proactive.
16. strong.
17. bad.
18. fast.
19. promptitude.
20. busy.
21. relax.
22. enjoy.
23. positive.
24. reality.
25. money-faced.
26. money-minded.
27. logic-minded.
28. cold-minded.
29. strong.
30. perfect-minded.
31. concentrate.
32. rigorous-minded.
33. serious.
34. straight.
35. treacherous.
36. "kiasu"
37. modest.
38. bad temper.
39. high EQ.
40. brave.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Having money will..

40 associations for this question.

1. proud.
2. happy then before.
3. relax then before.
4. lose security.
5. become more greedy.
6. get more friends.
7. be more powerful.
8. lose soul mate.
9. be selfish.
10. be stingy.
11. get assurance.
12. be famous.
13. be overbearing.
14. add enemies.
15. become reality person.
16. become busy person.
17. increase popularity.
18. unhappy.
19. be bore.
20. estrange relationship with God.
21. drop into trick of Satan.
22. enjoy my life.
23. do what I want to.
24. buy a luxurious house with nice night view.
25. have wonderful life.
26. have "money smell".
27. have "money faced"
28. become victory.
29. respects by others.
30. increase self-respect.
31. be more confident.
32. be unhealthy.
33. have meaningful life.
34. be more stress.
35. be not contentment.
36. get far to Heaven.
37. get near to Hell.
38. a lot pretty girls come.
39. increase your lifestyle.
40. lose yourself.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Money is...

This is my impossible homework. 

What I have think about

Money is...

1. the basic of survive for currently.
2. the things to make dreams come true.
3. the one of the key to hell.
4. an extraordinary "Paper".
5. an extraordinary "Metal".
6. a life game.
7. an evil.
8. the things to solve certain problems.
9. the terrible things that most of us crazy for it.
10. the things to turn certain peoples' personality.
11. a virus of human mind.
12. a motivation for certain people.
13. a reason causes most of us work hard for it currently.
14. a reason causes children study hard for it currently.
15. a reason causes someone dies for it
16. a reason causes someone hurts their love one for it.
17. a one of the reason causes estranges relationship between Jesus and Human.
18. the way to have a luxurious life.
19. motivation for someone to become smart.
20. a transparent knife.
21. a desire.
22. a smart game.
23. a hope for someone.
24. a thing fools human.
25. hyper mathematics.  
26. a test for endurance of human.
27. a reason causes social to become reality.
28. a things which can pull you to top, and also can push you drop to bottom.
29. useful for current life but useless for next life.
30. a system on behalf of system barter.
31. a trick of Satan.
32. a "food".
33. is an annoyance that controlling human time.
34. is a "Doraemon".
35. is a subject that waiting you to understand and how to think about it.
36. is not fixed, it is flexible.
37. created by smart idea.
38. works for people who knows how to play it.
39. a sin.
40. is not everything, unfortunate a lot of things need money.

Finally, I have done part of my homework. 40 subconscious describe about Money.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Diary Part 4

Photos taken at 3 days ago, 22nd April 2011.
I'm wearing pink cloth with pink earrings for
our anniversary at Wojamama.
The day also the night before he fly to Philippine.

How I wish that we could travel together for celebrating
our anniversary. This plan seems not difficult
for me. Just have to wait for him that when he
could spend the time for me.

I think he would not read my post, but he knew
that merely he do not know how much I wish with.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Diary Part 3

What is he doing now? Today is the 2nd day that he's been
Philippine. Honestly, I miss him so much.
This time was the 1st time that he oversea. 
Hopefully, he's fine been there.
 May God bless him for whole journey.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Class photo for 5b, Year 1999

9th April 2011 night, I'm attending my primary
school reunion at kk Upper Star for SJK Lok Yuk Likas.
Unfortunate, it was only 5 peoples attended.
I believe it would expand for next reunion.

Actually, I'm totally forgot my primary school classmates.
Just remember some of them only. After they try to flash back my
memories, I just realized more about it..haha..
We talked a lot about the funny and childish memories. Liked 
the time we punished by teacher, bullied other mates, what we
play during the time, and so on.
It's so sweet and so innocent. Miss the time so much.
I would join for next reunion and hopefully it could more
friends come to. =p

Friday, April 8, 2011

Diary Part 2

Time pass suddenly.

Today, I met a person with bad attitude.
My boss asked me to buy him a newspaper,
but it was still early at that time. So I tended try to
call the book shop for confirming whether have they
start their business.

The Dialogue with the women in malay:
      Me: Halo, Sudah kedai sana buka?
Women: Memang sudah buka lah, kalau
             tidak macamana ada orang angkat phone.
      Me: Oh~ ok lah.

Then I put down the phone.

What a bad attitude speaking with a customer. =_="
I just thought even someone picks up the phone,
doesn't mean the shop is start business ma.
Anywhere, hopefully I don't learn this kind of style of that women.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Diary Part 1

Weather : Normal
After work then attended Taxation replacement class then
home and dinner then play with puppy then bath then dry my hair.
After all this, all the tiredness come out. Exhausted. This is
what my meaningless life. Everyday self encourage to do
some meaningful things or learn somethings. Actually, yes I 
have learned somethings everyday.
However, there is not enough to pursue my goal.
Because there is a lot peoples around growing so fast.
Anywhere, the faith that I try to always persist it is think
positively, face the trouble comes to me, receive fails
occur on me and turn it as a motivation to overcome
my weakness. I would thick my face when someone
teasing me. Look down at me. 

No one is the top and no one is the last.

Cold joke heard from my lecturer tonight.

Answer : 杨德利 ( 羊得利 )

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I bought this book when I was shopping with Daphne
for today noon. Actually, I'm not really like reading.
 But, I don't know when did I start from that I'm really want to get richer
than now. I'm feel tiring for routine accounting job for everyday.
I won't feel any happy or whatever for the time of receiving 
monthly salary.
That's why I have to find way to try to enrich me besides that 
I have trying upgrading self of education level. 
It's doesn't means that I want to be a millionaire, 
cuz I'm very lazy one, I just want I could be rich and
enjoy my life also...XD

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

OL Bong

Put for nothing...back from class and lazy to take shower.

Just flash back and think that I'm working for more than 3 years le.
But, what I have gained is feel like nothing.
No much money at the bank, working experience still the noob,
education still ok but not enough. 
I feel like I'm running getting slower, and yet going down.
So useless me....zzz

Sunday, February 27, 2011

DKNY - Be Delicious

Bought it on last Sunday..Smell
Actually, I had aimed for Anna Sui, Forbidden Affair before this.
Unfortunately, I had smelled someone around me used that too. So I
had changed my mind. ><"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boss's Open House

Part of putting fireworks.

Part of Dancing Lion..

Dancing Lion and Green Dragon...

Those were recorded via Hp with bad quality. >.<"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

除夕 2011

1st Feb - 5th Feb 2011,
Family and me went to kuching for visiting my 外婆..
Around 3 years that we never went back already.
I think my mum sure very very miss her mum and dad.
They had quite a lot things to talk. Chit chat from day to night..
lol..felt likes non stop...hahaha...

Waiting for the flight..
Snapped it at balcony of my uncle's house...
The balcony...
Another firework..
Small town...kuching...if city night view more nicer...
Living room of my uncle's hse..
I love this swimming pool...
Spider lo...
Electric shock..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

She is Beautiful...

Angela Baby...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New note books for new classes...!!!....
Feel excited for attending night class of tomorrow and Friday night.
And also feel so frustrated that need to pay miscellaneous fee of my study
tomorrow. It is over budget. :(
I may facing a serious monetary problem for 3rd quarter of this year.
Anywhere, I should concentrate on this 2 papers 1st.

Sometimes, I would think whether ACCA is worth enough to me that I pay 
for it so much. Because of it, I used to save quite a lot of money for it,
until I may sacrifice somethings I have interested for. Just like, traveling oversea,
high tech things( I-phone, lap top, new pc ), learning violin, and so on.

What I always answered to me is if I can pass all the 14 papers and collect
3 yrs working experience to reach the qualification of Chartered Accountant
then all the opportunity costs are worth. If not, the money that I paid just like
I throw the $$ into the sea. I may get nothing.

Money is not everything, but to reach or fulfill our dream and desire
will be more harder without money.

31st December 2010
The countdown night to Year 2011
Obviously, I countdown with bf in the car after
his friend bbq. 
Haiz...quite "quiet "...

1st January 2011
Having marble cheese cake with Daphne at 1b Starbuck.

After wedding dinner at Star City, then went to lintas
cool bar to meet bf's friends and I were waiting in
the car.

 2nd January 2011

 Went to sing k with Daphne at kk box karamunsing.