Music Box

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Primary School Reunion

Class photo for 5b, Year 1999

9th April 2011 night, I'm attending my primary
school reunion at kk Upper Star for SJK Lok Yuk Likas.
Unfortunate, it was only 5 peoples attended.
I believe it would expand for next reunion.

Actually, I'm totally forgot my primary school classmates.
Just remember some of them only. After they try to flash back my
memories, I just realized more about it..haha..
We talked a lot about the funny and childish memories. Liked 
the time we punished by teacher, bullied other mates, what we
play during the time, and so on.
It's so sweet and so innocent. Miss the time so much.
I would join for next reunion and hopefully it could more
friends come to. =p


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