Music Box

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year New Challengesss...

New note books for new classes...!!!....
Feel excited for attending night class of tomorrow and Friday night.
And also feel so frustrated that need to pay miscellaneous fee of my study
tomorrow. It is over budget. :(
I may facing a serious monetary problem for 3rd quarter of this year.
Anywhere, I should concentrate on this 2 papers 1st.

Sometimes, I would think whether ACCA is worth enough to me that I pay 
for it so much. Because of it, I used to save quite a lot of money for it,
until I may sacrifice somethings I have interested for. Just like, traveling oversea,
high tech things( I-phone, lap top, new pc ), learning violin, and so on.

What I always answered to me is if I can pass all the 14 papers and collect
3 yrs working experience to reach the qualification of Chartered Accountant
then all the opportunity costs are worth. If not, the money that I paid just like
I throw the $$ into the sea. I may get nothing.

Money is not everything, but to reach or fulfill our dream and desire
will be more harder without money.

31st December 2010
The countdown night to Year 2011
Obviously, I countdown with bf in the car after
his friend bbq. 
Haiz...quite "quiet "...

1st January 2011
Having marble cheese cake with Daphne at 1b Starbuck.

After wedding dinner at Star City, then went to lintas
cool bar to meet bf's friends and I were waiting in
the car.

 2nd January 2011

 Went to sing k with Daphne at kk box karamunsing.


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