Music Box

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yesterday, was chinese Ghost day and also the
ACCA result released day. But, I more concerned on
my result than the ghost day. >.<"
The released time was BST 0500, 23rd Aug 2010 as
Malaysia time 1200. Started from I woke up yesterday untill
the released time, I can't concentrated on my work and lost appetite.
I kept refreshed my email inbox and the ACCA website before 1200. LoL

Okay, at that time...
I should praise the efficiency of ACCA's work
 are "great". The results were released at that time.
Fortunately, I've passed the two papers ( F2 & F3 ) that I was sat on June 2010.

When I told my parents about my result. Firstly, they looked a little happy,
after a while their face had a little bit changed.
Changed to worry something.
I think I could guess what they are worried about.
It was $$$$$$.

Their reaction are made me unhappy some more a little bit
angry and disappointing. But I can't blame on them.
Their worried about that wasn't any wrong. Because they still
have to spend for courses fee for their son at kl.

I've tried to spend some of the ACCA fees. Unfortunately,
the salary what I got now is unable to affort full expenditure of ACCA studies.
I'm feel so sorry about that.


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