Music Box

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Yesterday morning, when i woke up
and ready to wear contact lense,
i noticed that inside my left eye
has blood. It was scared me you know?
I though my eye got problem, but I 
have no feel any pain or itchy.
Just like normal. 
Why become like that? I think 
the day before yesterday night, I were
watching tv on the bed and then fall
asleep with wearing glasses. So
it maybe the glasses will press
my eyes. Anyway, after i searched
web to find out what happening, it's
nothing to worry about that. Just have to 
take care my eyes and don't knead it.


  1. DaphnE said...
    yday my eyes oso hav oo!my right eyes, duno same wif u or not lar,but oso hav blood like tat,lol == i ask my mum y like this,she said 微血管破掉,eyes not enuf rest,zz
    Bong Bong said...
    i thk are the same thing,cz i asked my mum, she oso told me like
    Unknown said...
    yer... wear spec mah..
    Chloe Bong said... ok a little bit oready~

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