Music Box

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Haunted Room

"Haunted Room" is apparently based on a real medical condition 
among teenagers in Japan known as Hikkikomori (Acute Social Withdrawal). 
Nida is a DVD seller, the mother of Ton, a boy with the severe 
psychological disorder. He has locked himself in his room 
for the past five years, not going anywhere nor meeting anyone. 
The only way to communicate with him is through 
written notes slipped under the door. 
This mysterious behavior draws a lot of interest from neighbours. 
As the curiosity and investigation heightens, some now 
believe that it is no longer Ton who is in the room! 

 To me, any ghost movie are scare me. So this movie
also the same. 2/3 times during watched this movie
I'm just kept close my eyes. Shit~
But to my dar dar said this not a
ghost movie la. He said this is "pok chong"
movie. =.="
Ok nvm, 1 day I want to train that
I can watch whole ghost movie without
any fear. wow..It's impossible to me la. 

 I noticed that this girl in the movie is so pretty. LOL


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