Music Box

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Company Gathering at TATU Cafe

2nd April 2010, my company had
a gathering at Tanjung Aru TATU cafe.
The purpose for the gathering actually
is celebrated a staff's birthday.
The place looks so high class and
the food look delicious. It is a
buffet style dinner. So I was so 
full yesterday. =.="
 After dinner, we went to sing k
at Kbox. Oh no~
 I'm felt so shy la if sing with
my staff so I just sang for two songs only. 
We stayed there until 2.30am
then we back home.

During this gathering,
I realize that my boss and my
staff were so crazy and friendly.
But during work, they all
will work seriously.
I hope I'll enjoy the life of 
this company.


  1. DaphnE said...
    wow not bad the food? delicious?
    Chloe Bong said...
    erm...the food okok la...
    jogoya more nicer~~

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