Music Box

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kick Ass

Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) is an unnoticed 
high school student and comic book fan with 
a few friends and who lives alone with his father. 
His life is not very difficult and his personal 
trials not that overwhelming. 
However, one day he makes the simple decision 
to become a super hero even though 
he has no powers or training.

Yesterday went to watch Kick Ass movie at
Cathay Cinema with friends. 
To me, this movie not bad la.
Although at the beginning part got a little bit boring.
But some part quite funny and bloody. LOL
In this movie, I very appreciate to a character named
Hit Girl ( Chloe Moretz ) that who is the girl
only 12 years old. She's very cool in this movie.
And I very like her clothing in purple color.
Chloe Moretz roles Hit Girl in the movie.
Her purple hair is so nice ya~

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Haunted Room

"Haunted Room" is apparently based on a real medical condition 
among teenagers in Japan known as Hikkikomori (Acute Social Withdrawal). 
Nida is a DVD seller, the mother of Ton, a boy with the severe 
psychological disorder. He has locked himself in his room 
for the past five years, not going anywhere nor meeting anyone. 
The only way to communicate with him is through 
written notes slipped under the door. 
This mysterious behavior draws a lot of interest from neighbours. 
As the curiosity and investigation heightens, some now 
believe that it is no longer Ton who is in the room! 

 To me, any ghost movie are scare me. So this movie
also the same. 2/3 times during watched this movie
I'm just kept close my eyes. Shit~
But to my dar dar said this not a
ghost movie la. He said this is "pok chong"
movie. =.="
Ok nvm, 1 day I want to train that
I can watch whole ghost movie without
any fear. wow..It's impossible to me la. 

 I noticed that this girl in the movie is so pretty. LOL

Friday, April 16, 2010


The photos that I took recently were getting
"fake"and "unreal". There are very big different between
with my real look. But why I'm still post on here?
I think it's maybe I'm trying to fulfill something.
Somethings like I'm trying fulfill my "Vanity" heart that the dreams
will never ever come true.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bored @_@

Simply Edited~!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

2nd April 2010, my company had
a gathering at Tanjung Aru TATU cafe.
The purpose for the gathering actually
is celebrated a staff's birthday.
The place looks so high class and
the food look delicious. It is a
buffet style dinner. So I was so 
full yesterday. =.="
 After dinner, we went to sing k
at Kbox. Oh no~
 I'm felt so shy la if sing with
my staff so I just sang for two songs only. 
We stayed there until 2.30am
then we back home.

During this gathering,
I realize that my boss and my
staff were so crazy and friendly.
But during work, they all
will work seriously.
I hope I'll enjoy the life of 
this company.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Clash of the Titans

1st April 2010,
 Still the same, me, dar dar, his sister
and his friend went to watch movie
at Golden Screen 1B. Before movie,
actually we decided dinner early but 
last we had our dinner at 11pm at Mcd because dar dar
met a traffic jam at Iramanis to Citymall
traffic light when he was coming to
fetch us. That was not dar dar's fault,
it was having construction at that road.
We all keep blamed those guys so
clever choose time to repair the road.
Damn It~~~

Erm~~~My comment to this movie
is quite nice. LOL