Music Box

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm getting Crazy!!!

Oh~~Gosh, can you let the world add more
5 hours in 1 day? 24 hours per day is really
not enough use to me. Cause now I'm really
no time to study.
Morning working, after work go
to attend classes, after class went home take dinner,
bath, do that do this.
It's already time to bed.
How i spent the time
to learning? Now, saturday and sunday i
have to do part time. =.="
And i'm study a subject ( Cost Accounting ),
walao a, it is so hard to me la...
how i can past it T_T???
And i also must pass another 2 subjects to get a
group diploma...This is the last chance for me.
So how i can scope 3 subjects? At least
i must pass 2 subjects.

Morning work, night classes, sat & sun part time

It's make me so tired, my brand 24 hours keeps
working, no rest time? I think i will go to bukit
padang lo soon~~zzz

1 Comment:

  1. CMZ said...
    jus dun go for yoga
    n part time 可以不要做就不要做先

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