Music Box

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Magic Cube 3x3

Do nothing just now, so tried to solve this magic cube.
Actually I bought it at last month if no wrong. LoL
But after bought it, play a while and I felt so hard
and lazy to think so just put it at there. LoL

Hmm...Few weeks ago ( after my exam ) actually I had tried to solve it by using
formula that searched from youtube. After success then put it on my table
and didn't touch it again. Wahahaha
It was impossible for me if I solve this without any
formula..>.< Because, I'm too noob. zzz

 Just now, i feel bored again, saw nothing happens can let
me "38" on FB. So I tried to solve this magic cube in
"Cross Style" and "Dotted Style" by using the
same formula. Hmm, There were might
had another noun words but I do not know what to call. Hehe~

Anyway, I'm still haven't tried to memorize the formula. Because it's too hard
to memorized and I'm lazy also. zzz

Magic Cube 3x3 's Formula:

1. Fi U Li Ui
2. Ri Di R D
3. U R / Ui Ri  / Ui Fi  / U F
4. Ui Li / U L / U F / Ui Fi
5. F R U Ri Ui Fi
6. R U Ri U R U U Ri
7. U R / Ui Li / U Ri / Ui L
8. Ri Di R D

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Prince of Persia

Sunday night and Tuesday evening, went
to watch this movie. I watched twice 
for this movie. LOL 
This movie not bad la, not bored to me.
Some more funny.