Music Box

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Yesterday morning, when i woke up
and ready to wear contact lense,
i noticed that inside my left eye
has blood. It was scared me you know?
I though my eye got problem, but I 
have no feel any pain or itchy.
Just like normal. 
Why become like that? I think 
the day before yesterday night, I were
watching tv on the bed and then fall
asleep with wearing glasses. So
it maybe the glasses will press
my eyes. Anyway, after i searched
web to find out what happening, it's
nothing to worry about that. Just have to 
take care my eyes and don't knead it.

Robin Hood

Russell Crowe plays Robin of Loxley in an origin story of 
Robin Hood that reportedly hews close to 
historical facts of the period. 
Abandoned as a child, 
he finds community with the common people 
of Nottingham. Robin's abandonment and 
trust issues hamper his ability to fall in love. 
He meets his match in Marion (Cate Blanchett), 
a strong independent woman.
Last Friday 15th May 2010,
Dar dar and me went to watch Robin 
Hood at Growball. Hmm~~
This movie is quite boring to me. LOL
Especially at the middle part.
I almost felt asleep in the cinema. zzz
But to my dar dar, he won't feel
any bored about this kind 
of movie..=.="

Took some photos during
waiting dar dar come to 
fetch me~zzz

Saturday, May 8, 2010

吴彦祖, 从他演新警察故事就有注意到他很帅~

信乐团的阿信, 是听了他的歌,才才慢慢得喜欢他.
超喜欢他的 Rock 的歌曲. 可惜现在的他的歌不如从前了.

黄晓明, 看了中国版的神雕侠侣也才喜欢他..还有中国版的

黄宗泽, 在珠光宝气和家好月圆注意到他..
觉得他很有型~~ lol

 Lee Min Ho, 这个不用讲了,一定是在花样男子饰演具俊标而迷倒
不少少女. 一开始看这部戏时,觉得F4他们没什么特别.不过是
导演又找一堆俊男美女拍戏. 但是看看下觉得很好看.很快又
被Lee Min Ho吸引了. 这部连续剧不错,很好看. 觉得他
Kim Kyo Hyung Joon, 在花样男子有出现一下下,
虽然是一下下,可是我还是注意到他~~ lol
也是 SS501 的其中一个成员.美型男一个.

哈哈, Robert Pattison, 在 Twilight 演吸血鬼的. 超帅的, 被他的眼神吸引~
不过在 New Moon 的镜头少了点,有少许失望.
不过还是很期待 Eclipse...

wow~~~Taylor Lautner, 肌肉男一个..是在 New Moon 觉得他很 Man 下~~
年级小小就酱 Man了..前途无量哦~~ lol

Enrique Iglesias, 从他的 Taking back my love mv 被吸引的.
觉得他超帅超性感的.声音也很性感. 也很
欣赏他可以和他的女朋友在一起酱久. 应该
有 8年了.

wahaha, 甄子丹, 出道很久了,可是一直都没有
注意到他, 其实我不是从他的戏被吸引.
是 Head & Shoulder 洗发水和他的妻子一起
拍的广告. 这么说他呢,我觉得他是比较内敛型的.
是要慢慢才注意到他的. 超喜欢他拍得
叶问1 和 叶问2..只能说这两部戏看了又看~
他练拳不是为了要出风头耍酷的精神. 又
可以给家人精神上的安全感. 我想

Saturday, May 1, 2010

葉问 2

In this sequel, Ip Man (Donnie Yen) arrives in Hong Kong in 1949, 
only to discover that martial arts schools there 
operated like triads rather than more respectable institutions. 
His efforts to teach his Wing Chun discipline is 
fraught with poverty and meets resistance from Master Hung (Sammo Hung), 
a fellow kungfu master who runs a fish market and is 
being bullied by the British authorities. 
However, he takes solace in his bright student Leung (Chen Dao Ming) 
and his loving, patient wife (Lynn Hung @ Xiong Dai Lin). 
As conflicts brew and tempers flare, an 
English boxing champ (Darren Shahlavi) insults the Chinese and 
challenges the whole establishment to an East vs. 
West showdown, leaving Master Hung and 
Master Ip to find themselves possible allies.

Last night, dar dar and me went to
watch IP Man 2. This movie is
very nice and worth to watch it.
But, I most the like to see Donnie Yen
fighting Kung Fu. He's very man even though
he's already 47 years old. The things that shocked
me is his hand can punch or hit very fast.
Keep practicing kung fu, i think is the way
that he can keep look younger~~ lol

Hmm~~ I haven't watched Episode 1 before.
I think i will try to search from the PPS.



LOL....During waiting dar dar to fetch me,
took some photo 1st...zzz
The pose almost the same..zzz