Music Box
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas gifts from Dar Dar. : ) |
Last Friday we went Segama Upper Star for our Christmas Dinner.
Actually, we had decided to dinner at Little Italy. Unfortunately,
it was full then we had no choice to go Upper Star.
We were having chicken chop, lamb chop, pepperoni pizza and drinks.
We got so full at the night. LoL
After that, we went to dar dar friend's bakery shop at Lintas.
On the way to Lintas, Suddenly dar dar took a pack of Jewerly to me.
And I were surprised for that. I hadn't expected that he would bought me
a Christmas gift. I really do appreciate it. : )
At the bakery shop.
We sat at there and listening to his friends singing Christmas songs.
They are very like to sing. Haha...
It was really full of Christmas atmosphere at there.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Today is 冬至, and my boss allowed office half day work.
After finished my work for today, then I went for shopping and also
wait for my mum at the same time. I walked around Warisan Square for
buy a new handbag. My previous bags are old already.
Actually, Yesterday I had looked around Padini Shop and fancied a Seed brand
with dark pink bag. Unfortunately, I had not enough money to buy it at the time and
I decided to buy at the next day.
So just now after work, I went to Warisan Padini Shop for the bag.
Haiz....I weren't saw the bag that I want. Then, I tried ask
the staff, she said it has been sold already. And out of stock.
I had no choice, then looked another one. But, I don't like the other one.
Then, I went to Charles & Keith and Roxy to look around.
Finally, I bought my new bag at Charles & Keith which is the
cheapest price in the shop. This is sorrow.
I can't afford for the other nice bags in the shop. And not willing to buy.
Self - Capture before and after hair cutting.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Last Friday 3rd December 2010
was the exam for F1 paper. Before the day,
I fall sick and got fever. That was so damn.
Can't study and it wasted my Annual Leave.
During the week before exam,
I had lost appetite seriously. Even my
favorite food in front of me, I'm still can't finished it.
The caused that I got so nervous for the exam was
it was a computer based-exam, that means my result
show me immediately after the exam. And It was a
multiple choice exam.
everyone will think that, that's not so difficult because it is
multiple choice only not for writing.
Yes, it is not difficult as a writing exam.
Those questions that asking are not straight forward.
Means that we need to really understanding the theories and must try to identify
every similar theories that we learned.
Yes, sure again, We can "tembak" for those questions
which we don't know. Unfortunately, we only have 25%
to shoot the answer accurately.
And we can "tembak" does means we can pass.
I don't have any little confident for my lucky.
So I give up for tembak.
Finally, I have past it but I'm not satisfied that my score.
Anywhere, I do appreciate it because I'm still
not did hard enough for it.
Next year will continue for level 2,
The really challenging exam is coming.
It's been a really long time that I didn't self-capture le.
Post some for my memorial.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Studied for two chapters just now.
Feel so tired liao....
It's still has a lot chapters to study.
This exam is on coming Friday but
I have lost a lot confident for this paper le...
Don't know what kind of study approach could
helps me. Haiz....
Monday, November 22, 2010
My brain is going to bust soon le.
Out of memory le, can't even learn more le...
Sei le...
Exam is getting closer le...
I'm still out of situation and confusing there...
I need help...
Need to recognize and analysis many theory
and have to comprehend the theory.
I think I prefer calculation...
At least it is not as bored as theory.
Because theory needs read a lot of "words".
I don't want to memorize them. Hate to memorize for reading.
sien le...
Or I better to prepare to get fail in the exam?
This is more easier? LoL
Monday, November 1, 2010
God, please forgive me the innocence.
Why he can't even have a good luck?
Why he must encounters this trouble?
God, can you please bless him even he's
not a christian. Besides praying, I don't know
what I can do for him. Nowadays, I don't hope there
is a miracle will occur but God, may I wish you to lead
him facing this trouble? Always be with him. Thanks God.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Cappuccino Cake...taste not bad....
Marco and Me....Funny tongue...
Am I Handsome?
Finally, the birthday girl...
But but, cutting before blowing the candles?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
How to recharge battery of my brain?
Recently I often done mistake during working.
Somethings like when I photocopy documents, it will
certain pages are omitted, passed wrong things to boss,
calculation mistake, stupid, foolish, even somebody telling
me simple things, I don't really get what are they saying. =_="
Oh shit...
Not in good situation now...
Friday, October 8, 2010
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His expression was so fat hand..not my hand ya... |
Bell, the white one...she is quite fierce...XD |
There are my bf's house doggie...
The mature one is Bell and the puppy is Bell's son ( the only son )
named Bear because he looks like a bear..
But I feel so sad for the puppy. Because he is been infected by kudu's virus
said by veterinary and can't lives long. T_T
I'm not really understand what is that.
Hopefully God could bless him, don't let him go.
I wanna play with him...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Song : V3 which is edited from Beethoven's virus song.
Level: 20, Hard
The scene looks a little bit dark...>.<"
And the sky getting dark when I was playing. XD
Full Version but it's looks like not the original version...XD
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Saturday night of last last week, we watched this movie.
To me, it was not as nice as i thought. Just some scared peoples scenes only. =_="
Last Saturday we went to Wagamama 1b for
celebrating our belated anniversary. After dinner,
we walked around 1b and saw a cyber that notice
RM1 per hour. Then we online at there for 2 hours since
the movie hadn't showed.
This movies was quite nice but Yip Man 1 & 2 more nicer than it.
Yesterday night was Eve of cmz's birthday. XD
We ( Friends ), had our dinner at bintulu lintas korean restaurant.
We had fun and busy during that time....Hahaha
Daphne and me
The birthday girl....
Monday, September 20, 2010
Find "x" and briefly to explain your answer. I got two answers, just
not sure which is the correct one.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Last Thursday night, we went for this movie after my
night class. Off-course I had went home for bath and dinner 1st.
I had saw the trailer from tv at few months ago. From the trailer
I'd doubted it might wasn't a very scary horror movie until I have
changed my mind when I was watching it in the cinema. Because, I thought
it wasn't a horror movie liked a ghost movie that would be scared people suddenly,
so I was wrong. It came out suddenly, make you nervous,
some bloody scenes that you unexpected.
I think this kind of horror movie is suitable for those who likes
horror movie but doesn't like to see ghost. XD
Saturday, September 11, 2010
* The volume has a little bit low, better it turn higher to watch it.
My 1st o2jam video recorded. It is one of my favorite song
in o2jam. Canon ( Hard ) Level 13 only. Long time I didn't
play it le, so getting noob le..XD
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Yesterday night, We went out for the dinner for
celebrated that I've passed my exam. We took
our dinner at KFC 1borneo after that we walked around
1 borneo waiting for the movie.
It was the first time that we watched movie in 3D mode.
First, we felt a lil uncomfortable when we just started
wear and watched the screen, after a while we'd been fine.
3D mode to this movie definitely Awesome, nice. Just like
watching a live show. Worth to try it.
If my friends ask me to watch again, I will go for it again. =p
This is the one of my favorite scene of this movie. Love the song,
love the dance, love the feel and also the two characters. ❤
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Yesterday, was chinese Ghost day and also the
ACCA result released day. But, I more concerned on
my result than the ghost day. >.<"
The released time was BST 0500, 23rd Aug 2010 as
Malaysia time 1200. Started from I woke up yesterday untill
the released time, I can't concentrated on my work and lost appetite.
I kept refreshed my email inbox and the ACCA website before 1200. LoL
Okay, at that time...
I should praise the efficiency of ACCA's work
are "great". The results were released at that time.
Fortunately, I've passed the two papers ( F2 & F3 ) that I was sat on June 2010.
When I told my parents about my result. Firstly, they looked a little happy,
after a while their face had a little bit changed.
Changed to worry something.
I think I could guess what they are worried about.
It was $$$$$$.
Their reaction are made me unhappy some more a little bit
angry and disappointing. But I can't blame on them.
Their worried about that wasn't any wrong. Because they still
have to spend for courses fee for their son at kl.
I've tried to spend some of the ACCA fees. Unfortunately,
the salary what I got now is unable to affort full expenditure of ACCA studies.
I'm feel so sorry about that.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Yesterday noon, Saturday...
I always free on whole Saturday.
Then, I was opened my PPS that I had
quite long time hadn't touched it.
After upgraded my PPS, then I was
started to search some new movie that I missed
before. It was "Sex and the City 2".
I'm not that insane for this movie but I'm love this
kind of movie, especially the New York girls, live
their life fashionable, always keep self at good status,
try the best for their roles of their life and enjoy their Luxurious
trip and everything. I was very envy for that. It is my Dream story of my life.
Unfortunately, I born in Malaysia. Live in Malaysia that
the country's economy growing like a turtle. Because of "..."
I wouldn't like to type some "Sensitive" words or the truth for Malaysia to
avoid some trouble.
Okay, I was digressed already. Back to the main topic.
In the movie, It has shown the 4 girls traveled at Dubai.
I'm really really hope that one day I able to travel there.
One of my dream travel place. I knew it is not that easy.
Because of "$$$". I knew $$ unable to fulfill anythings but
it can fulfill more than half of my dreams. $_$ day again...haha
Tha Last Air bender. Hmmm,
A little bit wordy but not that bored.
It might be has next episode. I will follow it.
Cool boy...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
We went for this movie yesterday night.
What I should to say for this, just it have used
a lot hot girls and a very handsome and hot boy for this
movie. Some more cosplay of their cloths.
Especially the Jin by Jon Foo the main character.
He's so
As my bf, he's marveled for those sexy girls. =_=
And also some of the "ma lat lou" in the cinema. =_=|||
Jin, Jon Foo's role.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I really don't know whats happening to me, I can't
slept well recently, always woke up at the midnight
I cannot fall deep sleep whole night, and
there are a lot clutter screen on my mind when
I was sleeping. It was made me cannot completely to rest
or "charge my body's battery"...zzz
Then, I felt blur and sleepy every morning.
There is one more serious problem of my body is that I've
been "constipated" problem again. What the shit!!!
So yesterday I've started to drink Apple Vinegar plus more Honey every night
until I can "Boom" well then I will stop this.
Unfortunately, the taste of vinegar is so sour and
it has a bad smell like "Foot Odor"...yiuuuuu....
Despite this, I still have to endure it. No choice...>.<"
Anyway, hopefully the smell won't fly to my neighbor's house.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
23rd Aug 2010, I think it will be my day death when I
know my results. T_T
The date getting closer I'm getting nervous. I'm really
minded my results for this two papers. And I also worrying that
whether there have any problem happen or email problem or what.
Haiz...Honestly, I didn't fully prepared for this papers, so
now I just keep worrying the results.
It's made me cannot concentrate my F1 paper. zzz
God bless me and forgives me please, cause now I just
remember to ask you for help. T_T
Last Saturday we went to watch movie at 1b. My impression
for this movie is this movie was so nice. The main character
Angelina Jolie freaking cool and sexy in the movie. The characteristics
of Salt ( by Angelina Jolie ) in the movie were smart, High EQ, agile, clever,
sentimental, brave and so on. Such as a perfect women @_@
So it is worth to watch it.
And it might has next episode for this movie.
Self Capture before movie:
Monday, August 2, 2010
Last Saturday after the company's annual dinner,
me and dar dar went for the movie at 1b.
My opinion for this movie are it was nothing special to me.
But I like a songs of the movie.
"Secrets" sung by One Republic.
I knew it was not a latest song, but it's quite fresh to me,
Especially, I'm really really like the sound of cello. =p
Sunday, July 25, 2010
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Ong Bak 3 : The Final Battle ( Thai Movie ) |
Went to watch this movie last night with dar dar.
This movie was showing about Thai's martial arts
and some of the Thai's culture and religion, including
the Black Magic.
To me, the interested parts just for the
Thai's martial art only. It's quite special ya,
some actions a little bit similar with the
Chinese Kung Fu Wing Chun. LoL
As the Black Magic was quite scary. >.<"
Because of the bad guy's make-up. @_@
This movie also had shown some bloody ( beheading ),
scary ( Black Magic's culture ),
some more disgusting parts. Anywhere it's not
scary as like Ghost or Horror movie.
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Mc Donald's new product "GCB". |
Haha, yesterday I had tried this burger. When my
dar dar saw the named "GCB", he direct said
"Go CiBai" =_="
Anywhere, it's quite nice to me.
Worth to try it. =p
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