Music Box

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Saturday night of last last week, we watched this movie.
To me, it was not as nice as i thought. Just some scared peoples scenes only. =_=" 

Last Saturday we went to Wagamama 1b for
celebrating our belated anniversary. After dinner,
we walked around 1b and saw a cyber that notice 
RM1 per hour. Then we online at there for 2 hours since
the movie hadn't showed.

This movies was quite nice but Yip Man 1 & 2 more nicer than it.


Yesterday night was Eve of cmz's birthday. XD
We ( Friends ), had our dinner at bintulu lintas korean restaurant.
We had fun and busy during that time....Hahaha
Daphne and me


The birthday girl....


Monday, September 20, 2010

Find "x" and briefly to explain your answer. I got two answers, just
not sure which is the correct one.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Last Thursday night, we went for this movie after my
night class. Off-course I had went home for bath and dinner 1st.
I had saw the trailer from tv at few months ago. From the trailer
I'd doubted it might wasn't a very scary horror movie until I have
changed my mind when I was watching it in the cinema. Because, I thought
it wasn't a horror movie liked a ghost movie that would be scared people suddenly,
so I was wrong. It came out suddenly, make you nervous, 
some bloody scenes that you unexpected.

I think this kind of horror movie is suitable for those who likes
horror movie but doesn't like to see ghost. XD

The above pictures are shown the certain bloody scenes in the movie.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

* The volume has a little bit low, better it turn higher to watch it.

My 1st o2jam video recorded. It is one of my favorite song
in o2jam. Canon ( Hard ) Level 13 only. Long time I didn't
play it le, so getting noob le..XD


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Samsung ST500    

Yesterday, I bought me a Digital Camera.
I looked for it for few months. Just because I was
considered more whether it is worth or not. Last, I'd 
made a choice to buy it so that I won't get suffer again to think 
about it.